Student Corps East Bay

The mission of the Student Corps is to instill the community values of civic responsibility, altruism, and collaboration within the student generation; provide opportunities, ideas, and resources for community projects across the nation; and foster a network of motivated youth to build a hopeful future.

Who We Are

Student Corps East Bay Chapter is a branch off of the bigger Student Corps Organization. We hold the same ideals of instilling community values in our area and hold events and fundraisers to do so. We are student-led and invite other youth leaders to join us and participate in our events.

Goals For 2023

Over the course of the year we hope to draw more members to join our events and meetings. We also hope to hold more consistent events that would be open to everyone to join. Our main goal is to get started and off the ground as an active Student Corps chapter.


Read and comment on our blog posts and past events!


Sign up for our next events and fundraisers!